The limit weight of profitability for pigs
It is the dream of every farmer to raise a record-breaking boar up to 300 kg. But is this livestock management economically reasonable? Let's try to figure it out together.
Perfect weight and age of slaughter

Animals are kept on large pig farms for up to 6-8 months. Small farms are ready to feed pigs for up to a year. Fast-growing pigs (those who most likely reach weight of 100 kg) are Pietren, Duroc, Hampshire, red and white belt breed, Poltava meat breed.

And who is better to feed: pigs or boars? During the Haus Düsse experiment in 2018, technologists found that boars had the best average daily gain, carcass weight. The pigs lagged behind due to the amount of food eaten during sexual hunting, which occurred at 5 months.

Precocity and the value of the average daily growth of piglets directly depend on:
  • genotype. Specialized meat breeds or commercial hybrids grow the fastest;
  • sex. Boars gain weight more actively, especially after castration;
  • housing conditions. Even the level of ventilation, floor, watering system and placement of feeders have an impact. For example, keeping on a lattice floor increases the absolute increase by 10%;
  • feeding quality. If you feed even a high-breeding pig with cheap green fodder (pumpkin, zucchini, grass, corn stalks and silage), it will not gain 110 kg by 6 months.
If after 9 months the weight of the animal does not change for 2 weeks, it's time to kill it. The animal has reached its biological limit and further can only gain fat.

When starting to feed animals you should give preference to the fast-growing specialized meat genotypes. They intensively increase muscle mass for up to 8 months. At the appropriate level of feeding with complete feed up to 8-9 months, they get a marketable appearance, reach slaughter condition.

If you feed a pig for too long, it stops gaining muscle mass, but actively increases fat. Such an individual will be less valuable, because you will not get much meat from it, and it will be too fatty.

Peter Van Doren
Технічний директор, керуючий партнер Feedlence B.V.
So we can make the following conclusion: raising pigs for slaughter for more than 1 year is not economically viable. After 9 months, the conversion of feed increases sharply (the amount of feed needed to obtain 1 kg of product), and weight gain is solely due to fat. So, by raising pigs for 12 months or more, the farmer spends much more feed and gets pork of low profitability. It is more profitable for the farmer to feed two pigs up to 6 months in 1 year than one pig up to 12 months. But this thesis is relevant in a full, balanced diet. Because on quality feed a good genotype in 6-7 months gains 110 kg with a slaughter yield of 65%.
Proper arrangement of the final stage of pig breeding
Animals weighing 60 kg at the age of 124-170 days are taken for feeding. Nowadays feeding in a pig farm lasts 2 months. Products that negatively affect the taste of pork and fat are completely excluded from the diet. For example, the content of meat production feed, soybeans, corn, bran, oats, cattle cake, potatoes, pulp, beet pulp, distiller’s dried grains is reduced to 5%.
  1. The first period lasts from 4 to 6 weeks. The basis of the diet: a mixture of grains (5.5 kg), 2 kg of bran, 15 kg of succulent feed (roots, pumpkin, zucchini, beet).
  2. The second period lasts for up to a month. The emphasis in feeding is shifted to the increase of coarse grain fibers, fiber. After all, the less feed enters the stomach, the faster the physiological reactions of accumulation of subcutaneous fat and lard (intrauterine fat).
  3. The third period lasts 3 weeks. Animal feed is completely removed from the diet.
  • Peter Van Doren
    Технічний директор, керуючий партнер Feedlence B.V.
    Yeast hydrolyzate has a positive effect on the organoleptic properties of lard and meat, such preparation also increases the average daily gain of the animal.
  • Peter Van Doren
    Технічний директор, керуючий партнер Feedlence B.V.
    Yeast hydrolyzate has a positive effect on the organoleptic properties of lard and meat, such preparation also increases the average daily gain of the animal.

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